Friday, July 20, 2007

Imprisonment by Narcissism

There was a time in my life that I was not so bright as pointed out by the people around me, some even said “he has all his brains in his muscle” I know it’s a insult but I try never to take insults personally. Think about an accident, we have a joke here “Akh” mean one in Bangalee so we say “Douee” cident [Douee mean two], you can’t clap with one hand, so there is always the question; I must have done something so the other person said that, or I didn’t do something that the other people wanted or expected me to do. As the saying goes “If you forget history, history will repeat itself”. So it’s better to be insulted once than being again and again.

So I wondered why did people call me stupid, there is always a reason behind it, i am a easy target and the most common reason I found to be is egoism. For Instance, when talking to a person, first thing to do is go bla bla on the faults/mistakes until the person gets demotivated and then submits, there you go now the person is ready to hear anything; probably it’s the oldest trick in the books and still works without a flaw.

I guess I was just a victim to some narcissistic people.